Unlike in past games, where you pick either a male or a female protagonist, you now also team up with escaped convict Billy Cohen. Still, Rebecca’s not alone in Resident Evil 0. Utilise the unique skills of each character to tackle the onslaught of enemies. This however requires you to buy into the idea that protagonist Rebecca Chambers had quite an adventure of her own before submitting to the supporting role in the first game, which has led to series creator Shinji Mikami once singling her out as his least favourite character. Resident Evil 0 sets itself up as the prequel to the events of the Spencer Mansion, in particular what happened to the STARS Bravo Team. Its style of survival horror is what Resident Evil 4 eventually blew out of the water a few years later, and in this HD remaster, it remains evident that Resident Evil 0 was a game that tried to switch up the formula in interesting ways. Sadly, it’s an entry into the franchise that doesn’t get as much love.
Shortly after the brilliant Resident Evil remake, Resident Evil 0 was made exclusively for GameCube.